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Expense Analyzer

The Expense Analyzer, with Next.js, streamlines expense tracking. It simplifies input, calculates accurately, and visualizes insights through charts. Custom reports aid financial decisions. Next.js ensures seamless performance across devices for efficient management.


Ecommerce API

The Ecommerce API is a robust solution for building online stores. It supports product management, and more. Simply set environmental variables, install dependencies, and start the server. With intuitive endpoints, users can create accounts, add products, and manage inventory seamlessly. Accessible documentation makes integration a breeze.


Task Management App

The Kanban Task Management App, built in React, offers an intuitive solution for organizing and tracking tasks efficiently. With its user-friendly interface and flexible functionality, users can easily prioritize, and monitor tasks across customizable boards. Featuring drag-and-drop functionality and real-time updates, the app streamlines task management workflows and enhances productivity.



MicroBlogging Platform was created with Express JS is capable of signing in users through Google OAuth 20 and users can add their posts with create and delete functionality.


Cipher Pass

The application uses AES encryption standards for creating an encryption for passwords generated with the same application and then same for decryption created in Vanilla JavaScript

Flight Ticket Booking System

The MERN Stack Flight Ticket Booking System streamlines single-flight bookings. Built with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, users easily search, select, and book flights. Manage bookings, generate tickets—all in one user-friendly platform.